GVS 2.6 Relay Challenge

26th April 2020

By Kirsty Pierce

It was a good day. No, it was a great day. Possibly one of the best during these series of Groundhog-like days when there is often nothing particular (no Tuesday night training, no Wednesday hill and speed sessions, no Saturday breakfast or Sunday evening group runs) to differentiate one day from the next. So I hope I speak for everyone when I say that when I woke this morning and knew I would be slipping on my running shoes at the same time, just before or just after my running pals, it felt almost like I was running alongside others. Something I hadn’t felt in a while.

So firstly, special thanks go to Brian Holland for sowing the seed of an idea and then putting it together. Thanks also to Pete Fotheringham for creating our entries page. From concept to concrete took only a matter of days; in the words of Paul Oakley “it shows how creative we all get when put to the test”.

And creativity certainly was a theme throughout the day with the variety of batons – from stuffed toys to artfully decorated toilet rolls, golden running shoes, a Trump themed toilet brush (fabulous), baton shaped vegetables, and we mustn’t forget the recycled broken wooden spoon from Anna Aspinall and smiling spatula thanks to Helen Gray. Oh and was that a banana baton being held aloft by the Grant family?

All in all, we had already proven the strength of our club creativity with the Goyt Valley Striders Christmas Tree in December but today we took that artistic flair to greater heights.

I feel the need for a “design your own baton” competition as part of the re-run of the Covid-19 2.6 Relay which I am certain Brian will be keen to put on the calendar next year! But next year, wouldn’t it be marvellous to actually hand the baton in person over to someone else?

Yes, it really was a good day. There isn’t a picture without smiling, happy faces. From the youngest Striders to the wiser members of our running community….we all had fun, running up hills, down hills, along towpaths, through fields, or even in the case of Louise Smith, 84 laps of the garden! And if we couldn’t run together in person, we certainly ran together in our heads and hearts.

Not only that but between us we managed to raise about £550 for our chosen charities – pretty good for a club of our size. And in these times when charities are receiving no donations from the big sporting events that run through the summer season, I am sure we all felt the importance of doing our bit for such worthwhile causes.

…and the numbers: 2.62 miles in 26.21 minutes 🙂

I know I won’t be alone in hoping that the worst of this lockdown will soon be behind us, and also in looking forward to some runs when we can once again share the beautiful scenery around the Goyt Valley with friends. Until then let’s stay safe and keep positive and we can be thankful that against the odds, we could still find a way of running together.

To finish, I’m going to steal the words of our excellent collage photographer, Jane Adlard: “I’ve felt really proud of our club today”. And so say all of us!

Goyt Valley 2.6 Relay Challenge

by Brian Holland

I saw an article in the news about doing a fundraising event based round 2 and 6. (marathon distance which are all cancelled). So with the help of Helen Gilbert here is what GVS is doing.

  • Sunrise to Sunset relay
  • 26 people or groups of people who live together run/walk 2.6 miles
  • On 26 April

Hope you get it 🙂

Below is a link to a page where you can pick your time. Thank you Pete F for sorting this out.

This is not just about having a good excuse to go out. I am unlikely to be staging the Shining Tor Fell Race which last year gave £600 to Buxton Mountain Rescue. And Helen was going the run London Marathon to raise money for Phab Kids which supports clubs and holidays for disabled kids. Links are below. DON’T FORGET TO GIFT AID IF YOU CAN.

The Rules

Sign up by picking a time on the list here

Make a donation using one of the links below, suggestion is £5 but more or less is perfectly acceptable, also donations from people not actually taking part.

Sort your 2.6 mile route out, this has to be from your home, can end anywhere not necessarily back at your home, but end your route at 2.6 miles.

Once you have done your run, put a Strava or Garmin route somewhere so we can all see where you have been, a photo to go with it would be nice

Things you must do!

  1. Only run by yourself or with people you live with.
  2. If your route takes you through gates or stiles, remember be careful about touching things, wear gloves and wash hands.
  3. Do not select a route which goes through farm yards or gardens, so places like the path from Whaley Sewage works to Dolly Lane is out.
  4. No one can do two legs, advice is to only do one exercise session a day.
  5. Remember to follow the government advice to avoid spreading the virus, keeping 2m distance.

Many thanks for your support, please contact me with any questions.

07905100710 or bholland28@hotmail.com or GVS facebook page

Herod Farm

by Helen Gray

These strange times have made me feel sorry about things I can’t do even though I didn’t like them.

Herod Farm

April, the evenings are light once more
I will miss Herod farm
Not a phrase many thought to hear
I’ve long made clear my dislike
Of this short, sharp test
And yet, in these strange and anxious times,
I will miss Herod Farm.

The first of the year, the promise of more to follow
Friends old and new
Bright in their vests, names registered, numbers pinned,
Trotting, chatting up the road,
To Herod Farm.

In order of strength, fitness, hopefulness
We line the track,
Shuffling feet, shoulder to shoulder
Announcements made and then we’re off,
Past Herod Farm.

The steady uphill through the fields,
Don’t waste your legs now
Steep rise of the Nab ahead,
Digging in for the climb
Cheery faces at the summit, gather yourself,
Then belt through the tufted fields toward Monks Road,
Away from Herod Farm.

Turn back, downhill now to Simmondley.
Legs flying over broken stone walls, small boggy streams
Keep your balance!
Double back, then, on tired legs,
Climb the Nab once more
Cursing Herod Farm.

Lungs burning, heart pounding, hands on thighs
All muscles straining
Grasp the sharp yellow grass
Haul yourself up; “Made it! Well done lass!”
Turn back down towards Herod Farm.

Clattering downhill, feeling reborn.
Light fading over the hills beyond,
The town spread out below.
This is why we run, the challenge brings this reward
Only a fell runner can describe.
Breathless celebrations of the finish and
The knowledge that it is also a beginning.

I will miss Herod Farm.